MWM Winter Doubles:  This winter weekend league has all the same “feels” of Team Tennis with no standing around in the cold waiting to play!!

The format is 3 courts of MWM doubles –  1 Men’s, 1 Women’s, and 1 Mixed with all players starting at the same time.  USTA match format will be used for this league consisting of best of 2 out of 3 sets with 6 games played, win by 2, Coman tiebreaks for the set to 7 points and Coman tiebreak to 10 for 3rd set.   The levels of play will be straight ratings of 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5.  For example, a 3.5 rated player would not be able to play on a 3.0 team, but players are allowed to play up a level.  There will be minimum of 7 matches.   The season will run November through February ’26.

Playdays:  Matches will be on Saturday and Sunday afternoons as follows:

3.5 & 4.5 teams will play on Saturdays at either 1:00 pm or 3:00 pm

3.0 & 4.0 teams will play on Sundays at either 1:00 pm or 3:00 pm

This is a non-USTA league so a USTA membership is not required.  However,  USTA rules, regulations, and ratings do apply.

How to Register Your Team

How to register a team for MWM Winter Doubles:  Starting Monday September 8th, captains will register their team using a WWTA form (team name and home court location required to register).  Click here for the link for captains to register.  After the team is set up on Tenniscores, captains will be emailed instructions for player registration.  Minimum number of players of 4 Men & 4 Women are required by end of registration on Friday, September 26th, 2025.  Players may be added to the roster throughout the season up to a maximum of 15.  Once your team is approved, you will be given registration and court fee payment instructions.  For Town of Cary, captains will register on a first come first served basis depending on availability.  Other Public facility options are Town of Apex,  Holly Springs Ting Park, and Town of Morrisville courts.  Teams playing out of private facilities must get approval from their facility.

League registration fee will be $15.00 per player and public court fees apply.  Town of Apex, Morrisville, & Holly Springs Ting Park team captains will be sent a link to pay team court fees prior to the league start date.  All court fees must be paid prior to league start date.

There will be no refunds for any reason after the league start date. 

WWTA Quick Links

2024/2025 League Winners

Division Team Name Captain
3.0 PW Bologa Cold Brew Helen Bologa
3.5 TOC Naramor Ace of Base Natalie Naramor
4.0 TOC Yao Midwinter Masters Noah Yao