Winter Warm-Up League: A one court gender doubles league at Cary Tennis Park in the covered courts – a heated, open air facility. This covered court option means no rainouts, no coldouts! League will run late November thru mid-February 2026 with evenings, weekends, and morning flights. No scheduled matches over the winter holidays. Team size is a minimum of 3+ players to avoid defaulting matches, but only 2 players are needed each week for matches. Matches are timed (1.5 hours) and teams will get 7 to 8 matches (depending on draw sizes).
Because year-end NTRP Ratings will not be updated by the time registration closes, players should use their current year end rating when registering for a team.
Email Michelle with any questions or if your time slot is full to be put on the waitlist!
Play days: Levels will alternate/rotate the match play days and times. Expect to play each of the play times listed for your level, however, alternate times might be used depending on draw sizes. We will avoid Friday night 8:30pm matches as much as possible. Teams will not play more than 1 match per week.
Monday 8:30/Tuesday (alternating) 7:30 – 3.0M & 3.0W
Wednesday 8:30/Thursday (alternating) 7:30 – 4.0M & 4.0W
Friday 8:30/Sunday 5:00/Sunday 6:30/Sunday 8:00 (alternating all times) – 2.5W, 3.5M, 3.5W, 4.5M, 4.5W
**Interested 4.5 Men please email Michelle for info about teams**
Weekday Mornings – Captains must choose to register at the 9:30 OR 11:00 time:
4.0W – Monday (primary play day)/Tuesday (overflow play day) – 9:30 or 11:00
2.5W – Tuesday (primary play day)/Thursday (overflow play day) – 9:30 or 11:00
4.5W – Wednesday 12:00/ Tuesday 11:00 (overflow play day)
3.0W – Thursday (primary play day)/Friday (overflow play day) – 9:30 or 11:00
3.5W – Friday (primary play day)/Monday (overflow play day) – 9:30 or 11:00
Format and Timed Match Procedures
All matches are 90 minutes, therefore, it is very important to get to the facility 15 minutes before your match is scheduled to begin! Bathroom breaks should be before or after your match. Once you take the court, warm up is 5 minutes then play begins. See below for details about the timed match format:
- Format is best of three tiebreak sets – see below for determining winners of unfinished matches.
- Home team provides balls and chooses side. Visiting team chooses who serves first.
- Matches will use NO AD scoring (i.e. If a game gets to Deuce, then the receiving team chooses who receives the serve).
- No switching sides after odd numbered games. Switch only at the end of each set. However, a quick water break at odd games is allowed.
- No switching sides during tiebreaks.
- When time is up, if you are in the middle of a game, the game does NOT count.
- If the match is completed (one team wins two sets), then the winner is determined by winning two sets.
- If the match is unfinished, the winner will be determined by number of games won. If the number of games won is equal, play a sudden death point that will count as a game. Whoever is the next server, serves that point.
- If a 3rd set Tiebreak has been started then do NOT count total games to determine the winner. The winner of the 3rd set tiebreak determines the winner of the match.
- If the match is in a SET tiebreak, the team ahead in points in the tiebreak wins the tiebreaker and it counts as a game.
- If the teams have equal games won and tied in a SET tiebreak, then a sudden death point is played to determine the winner. Whoever is the next server, serves that point, which could be the same server.
Downloadable rules and scoring instructions here.
How to Register Your Team
How to register a team for Winter Warm Up: Registration for this league will start at 8:00am on Monday 10/13/25 and close at 5:00pm on 11/1/25. Captains will register their team using a WWTA JotForm. Click here for the link for captains to register (beginning 10/13). The captain will pay the TEAM registration fee that includes all associated court and league fees. Team registration fee is $300.00. Teams will be accepted on a first come first served basis for each level.
Number of Players on a team – Minimum requirement of 3 players and you may add players any time during the season. Players MUST be registered on the Tenniscores system before they play in a match.
After the team is set up on Tenniscores, captains will be emailed instructions for player registration.
There will be no refunds for any reason for this league.